Cinzia Venturi
      Assomarket - Associated Sales & Marketing


Associated Sales & Marketing founded by Cinzia Venturi has business relationships in a variety of sectors and particularly in South East Asia.
Because of its vast knowledge and years of experience, the company has had great success in dealing with businesses in Italy and abroad. In fact, Cinzia Venturi has been appointed as advisor to two cities in North East China and because of her close diplomatic relations with Vietnam is considered a highly trustworthy consultant there.

The lumber industry is where Cinzia started and was the first sector in which she has important international collaborators. In fact she is also the sales representative for the Vicwood Group in Italy, the world leaders for the production of engineered wood veneer.
In recent years Associated Sales and Marketing has expanded its horizons to include many diverse industries and is now offering its sales and consulting expertise to those Italian companies interested in marketing their products in new emerging markets.

At the moment the most important Asiatic companies turn to Cinzia Venturi to know about and purchase high quality Made in Italy products.

Associated Sales & Marketing aids and supports all their clients with responsibility and professionalism and enables them to successfully develop and maintain solid business relationships with foreign buyers.

Assomarket - Associated Sales & Marketing